Orthographic Mapping

This is an excellent link to explain Orthographic mapping.
"Orthographic mapping; the process by which we store written words in our long-term memory, for quick retrieval at a later time. This concept was first described by Linnea Ehri, who explains it as creating links that “glue” spelling to the pronunciation of words in long-term memory. To create these links, we need to be very good at two things:

  1. breaking spoken words down into sounds (phonemic awareness)

  2. knowing which sounds can be represented by which letters (letter-sound knowledge)"

The article goes into further details about the ways various drills help solidify Orthographic mapping in the brain.

The reading remediation lessons offered at Naturally Literate retrain the brain to achieve fluency. Check out our services page for more details.



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Happy Dyslexia Awareness month!


Mical a Dyslexic film (20 minutes)