Mind Reader, the Dyslexic Brain and what makes them different.
"Intensive training like Celeste’s can help kids with dyslexia become fluent readers, especially when it starts in kindergarten or first grade. But this practice-practice-practice approach is demanding and time-consuming for kids and teachers, and people who start treatment after first grade may still lag behind their peers, says Perrachione."
Read the full article here.
Mind Reader, To treat language disorders Tyler Perrachione investigates what makes dyslexic brains different.
One-one specialized instruction that is specifically designed for children with Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities is the most effective way to give them the tools they need to master English. Programs like the ones offered at Naturally Literate prepare and equip a child with the tools to decode and understand English. These are life changing tools that profoundly shape a child's life for the better and set them up for success. The sooner these tools can be taught the easier school life becomes.
Please visit our website for more information on our Early Language, School Age, and Adult courses. www.naturallyliterate.org
Dyslexic Brain
Non-Dyslexic Brain
Dyslexic brain (left) compared to non-dyslexic brain (right) fMRI scan taken while reading. "The good readers typically have more brain activation in a region of the left temporal lobe called the “visual word form area,” which is associated with reading, than people with dyslexia." -Dr. Perrachione
Source: http://www.bu.edu/research/articles/dyslexic-brain/